Sunday, 4 April 2010

Harry Potter's Cloak of Invisibility

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was on yesterday. I make no secret of the fact that I love the films and have read each book cover to cover. I love them. Genius books which have got children and adults alike excited about reading again.
One of the things I LOVE about the books is the wonderful magical objects. In yesterday's film, we saw the Marauder's Map for the first time. This is by far my favourite of J K Rowling's inventions. The map is not static and shows where everyone is at that moment in Hogwarts but will hide its secrets with the words 'mischief managed'. Brilliant. What a wonderful idea.

I also love Harry's Cloak of Invisibilty. So many applications for this in the Muggle world.
Sometimes, unbeknown to me, I apparently have my own cloak of invisibility. I thought about this a little bit today when I saw a neighbour of my mum's who is a particularly nasty and small minded man. To give you an example of just how empty his sad little life is, he noticed when my mum had new tyres. Yes, not new hub caps....tyres.
Anyway, because he is an exceptionally rude and small minded man, and because I hate confrontation, rather than deal with him, both he and I pretend we cannot see each other when I come to visit my mum. We both put on the Cloak of Invisibility. Thus awkward situations are avoided. Today I got to the door, passing him without a glance between us.
I wore this cloak a lot in the run up to my court case. People who had said things about me which were untrue, were suddenly not able to see me in public. They would become engrossed in yogurt choosing or magazine browsing. Sadly, though I was apparently wearing the cloak,  I was unable to sail through the tesco checkouts without paying for my goods.

I am guilty of pretending others are wearing the cloak too. There is a particular man....I have referred to him as a free loading sleazebag in a previous entry...whom I always pretend not to see until there is no possible way I can avoid him any more. I do it to people who have upset members of my family too. This, in my opinion is the 'grown up' way of dealing with it, rather than pick a fight.
In my youth, I'd imagine what I'd do for a day if I was invisible. I don't give much thought now to what I'd do with this particular gift in my 30's. I am pretty sure I would not be up to any good though.
If I was clever and knew how to do it, I should transfer lots of money into my account, or delete my debts. Perhaps I'd give myself a payrise, lower my rent, have my ex suddenly finding he was on America's Most Wanted list?
However, I am a 30 something with a child like brain and an infantile habit of ignoring those I don't like, whilst getting annoyed that they ignore me!

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