How quickly you - and by you, I mean of course, me - can go from a mood of happiness and contentment to feeling that your life has gone so way off track, you fear you may end up somewhere not good.
The weeble picture is because that's me.
Today I'm feeling like this but it won't last.
I'll bounce back, I always do.
Weebles wobble but they don't fall down.
I know what it is I want out of life. I want the sort of lifestyle where frequent travel is possible, where I never worry over bills, where I can shop without guilt - (within reason) and enjoy a good social life. I want a Tesco Finest life and not a Tesco Value life basically. I used to use this analogy about my father who is definitely a 'no frills Dad' i.e haven't seen him in years and he has no clue when it's my birthday. A girl I used to work with definitely had a 'Finest' Dad.
I digress, but the analogy is fitting here too.
I am the same about my personal life. I have done the Value option and now it's nothing but Finest for me. So many people get this bit wrong, me included, but I intend not to again. A friend of mine came to stay at the weekend and said that it had been noted that someone we know had been writing flirty stuff on my FB page and that she hoped that nothing would come of this! Without going into details about said person who had been flirting...there is NO CHANCE. Personal hygiene aside, I know I want someone who can pay for his weekly shopping without a five finger discount.
However, I am cheered by the sun this week and the lighter evenings which are always good and mean the SAD lamp can go away for another few months, but I want things to look up a bit more.
The title of this blog is another quote I've stolen - this time from Wayne Dyer I believe. It's the whole 'universe' thing again, yes boring, aren't I? But it's a VERY hard piece of advice to follow. Doubt is battling its way into my thoughts big style today and I'd rather it did not. The quote continues thus; "even when nothing seems to indicate that you're accomplishing what you desire in your life, refuse to entertain doubt."
I am trying Wayne, I am!
I am also cheered by the fact that I have not had to sleep with ear plugs all week to drown out the inane ramblings of my neighbours boyfriend who will compare himself to Ronaldo and has one volume - VERY LOUD.
A thought has just occurred to me. I wonder if my mood is not all about dissatification but is in fact caffeine withdrawal as I haven't had any Diet Coke in 5 days?
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