Monday, 1 March 2010

So much to do, so little inclination.

I have already mentioned my list making. As I sit here and write this, there is a small ring bound pad next to me with a list of urgent things to do. Half are ticked. I have done all of the 'easy' things on there and am now writing my blog, rather than do my online shop (it ALWAYS crashes), apply for a position that would further my career and post a letter to another country, because I never seem to have the time to get to the Post Office.
In my diary, I have a list of things to do at the beginning of each month. Today is the first of March and I still have a task from January hanging over me. If I don't do that, this months first task is a pointless waste of time.
I want to book myself a holiday. I have no idea where. I just need one. I always need a holiday.
I cannot go where I was hoping to go as my sister is selfishly leaving the country. (She will read this and know I am joking...I hope)
So instead, I must look at other options and consider a holiday alone. I had a couple of days alone in York in January and really enjoyed myself. I did a Buddhist retreat in July and loved it, despite not knowing a soul. Perhaps it would be good to get away for a bit on my own.
I definitely suffer from SAD and am craving the sun after what seems like an eternity of grey and wet.
I have a SAD lamp, much to the amusement of my family. - 'It's so you, why would you NOT have one?'

I intend to tick 'book a holiday' off my list asap..but I'll need my passport. I need a new one as the one I have is in my unfortunate married name. This will involve a new picture. My last picture was hideous. I look about 100 years old and have BAD hair. The passport before this featured a picture which my mum said resembled 'vacant porn star'. It would be good to find some middle ground, though of the two, vacant porn star was preferable.
I wonder where a vacant porn star would go away in early June? I'll make a list of ideas.

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