Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Health and Fitness

This evening I went for my first run in well over a decade. I was keen, enthusiastic and clad in lycra. The lycra was probably a bad idea because I am not Kylie when it comes to my bum.
As I like to say; Not quite Kylie, not yet Lisa Riley. If you don't know Lisa Riley, Google her.

In preparation for my first run since I was in sixth form, I purchased 'serious running gear' ie lycra trousers and trainers. The trainers were non negotiable as I suffer from shin splints since my last 'serious' attempt at exercise when I became a blue belt in kickboxing. This is what I do. I buy the kit, decide it will be part of my new life, and then discover I am crap at it. Why I could not just have managed with my trackies instead of cropped lycra Addidas running trousers is anybody's guess.
Fortunately, I ran with people I love and trust.
Before we went I enthusiastically asked-
"So how far are we running?"
"About a mile and a half- takes about 15 minutes."
"Is that all? Are we going twice?"
"You haven't run since sixth form, let's see how we get on today"

OH MY GOD! I did in fact mange to run 75% of the way and walk for the rest, but really. I sounded like Mutley when I got back. I was about 5 minutes behind the men. Rubbish. My sister writes her blog about her insane fitness regime and runs ALL the time. She would be ashamed.
I got back and said that my body was not tired but I had this tightness in my throat and chest- "What is that all about?"
"You're not fit"
Fair enough. I cannot blame some undiagnosed asthma or chest problem. I am an unfit slob.
I aim to improve my 75% to 100% and to decrease my time and increase my distance but I cannot see me becoming Paula Radcliffe anytime soon. I doubt whether on getting home from a lame run, Paula cracks open the wine and selects 4 of Gordon Ramsay's finest chocs to shovel into her Mutley face. As I type this, I am drinking rose from a tumbler. Classy and healthy.

I've never been the embodiment of fitness I'd like to be. Over the years I've tried all sorts. After one relationship I was in ended, I was so distraught, I joined a gym but was utter rubbish and would count the minutes down before I could leave.
I did become a kickboxer for some years which I loved but I never shifted the excess 14lbs I was carrying despite the twice a week, very hard class.
I took up swimming in 2009 and have been doing that week in week out for over 12 months but I only stick to that so I don't let my brother in law down. We are partners and neither of us would stick to it without the other.

Now that I'm not such a miserable cow as I was last year, I need to work at keeping my weight off. I keep a picture of myself on the fridge from 5 years ago. It's hideous. I don't want to be her again.
Thus, I have taken up running.

I would imagine that a health professional would advise a healthy diet alongside an exercise regime. Today my breakfast was a Cadbury's Flake washed down with a Diet Coke- 'The cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast'.

I constantly seek 'easy' ways to be fit and slim. I imagine myself losing lbs on the wii fit but when I talk to people who have them, they don't have the sort of body I want. I'm thinking Helena in her prime. Slim but curvy and healthy looking. I am curvy, yes...but a little on the wobbly side in some areas.

As with many women, I know that as soon as I am a size 8 and have a pert bottom and toned legs, my life will be complete. I will meet somebody incredible and everything will be marvellous.
Until then, I will be Mutley, trying not to be noticed in my lycra.

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