Wednesday, 10 February 2010


Until quite recently, I supported four charities with a monthly direct debit. It is now two charities and both of these are animal charities. With the remaining two, I feel valued but not so far as to think I am a Saint. They write to me, keep me updated and send letters of thanks when I send a lump sum.
The reason I stopped supporting the other two was because I was not happy at being rung up by a charity who never sent me any info, never thanked me etc, but who would frequently call me for more money.
One of these charities rang to say that they urgently needed my money for a campaign. They asked for an increase of £1.50 a month. I said I would rather give a lump sum now if my money was needed now.
But this was not what the call centre operative wanted. Apparently, it was better I spread it over a 12 month period than get my money working now for their 'URGENT' appeal. He was quite insistent and this annoyed me because the campaign was clearly not as 'URGENT' as I was led to believe.
I did not back down, ended the call and then cancelled my direct debit to them.
Last night a door to door caller came to my home and asked me to think about supporting this charity. It was 8:30pm and very cold. I do not envy her her job but at the same time, I thought she should know my feelings.
I'm afraid one of the major animal charities in the UK also get short shrift from me. Their TV ad campaigns are full of poor animals being rescued by the staff, but in my experience, the three times I called them, they were not at all interested in the plight of animals- one being a horse tethered to rope in the middle of a field on a very hot day with no water. This was not their problem apparently as it was a traveller horse. This makes me furious. An animal is an animal. I want to know that when I give money, they do what they say they will and look after animals.
I await to see if I am written to by the charity from last night.
And in case you think I am mean spirited etc, I increased my monthly direct debits to the charities I do support so that I still pay out the same.

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