Friday, 12 February 2010

Half term

Hooray - it is half term.
I need it, the children definitely need it. The last week has been hard work. They are tired and irritable and they are currently limited by the weather conditions at playtimes.
Simple tasks have proved nearly impossible, there have been tears and tantrums - mine as well as theirs!
P.E has been a riot with children forgetting various items of clothing when they line up ready, trying to wear plimsolls on the wrong feet and in some cases, two right footed shoes. One of my children realised with horror this week that he had forgotten to put on underwear at home as he got ready.
Today's lesson plans went out the window in favour of painting and model making and some role play and choosing time. To ask them to do more would have been a pointless waste of time. The highlight of the day was watching some of my older children 'teach' the younger ones how to make a lantern using an instruction leaflet they had written themselves. Their take on teaching is delightful to watch.
One of my favourite things to do is watch them and listen to them during free play times. Several of them like to pretend to be me. They sit on my chair, use my resources and have a group of children around them. I am pleased to say that they obviously don't see me as a tyrant.
My other favourite thing is to sit with them and listen to their conversations. Sometimes when they know I'm doing it and I will join in, and sometimes as a silent listener. Recently I had to stop myself laughing when one of my boys said to his table;
"Do you even know what a bra IS?", and when some did not; "It holds your mummy's boobies."
I thought it best not to let him know I had heard this.
I will miss them next week, I really will.

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