Thursday, 11 February 2010


I have a morbid fear of becoming one of 'those' teachers who dresses in shin length pleated skirts in floral fabric and wears K shoes.

I went through a scruffy phase a few years ago and now I look back in horror at the pictures. There was one particularly horrifying day when I had cooked fish the night before at home and came in the next day with the smell on my clothes. I am still stunned at the impregnating powers of cod. When one of the children commented; "I can smell fish", I was beyond mortified.

Nowadays I never dress down unless I am out for walks. At all other times I dress as well as I can. This includes Sunday at home on my own, when I am often to be found in dress and cinch belt and heels whilst doing my weekly plans.

I also buy into the theory that children like colour and that I am a role model of sorts. Therefore I have an ever expanding wardrobe and a growing army of small followers of my fashion. In order that I can keep up with current trends and stay within budget, I buy a weekly fashion magazine. It is total trash, I am the first to admit, but I use it purely as a point of reference for my wardrobe. When I am finished looking at the pretty pictures, I bring the old copies in to work where I will go through them with my friend and colleague and discuss the really important issues of our times, like Sophie Dahl and Jamie Cullum being married now, and look at how thin Rachel Zoe has become...etc etc.

Visitors to our place of work are always impressed with the level of high brow conversation from two educated women. We have even been known to discuss - I'm a Celebrity..... at tea break.

There are some days when my fashion choices backfire on me, for instance a couple of weeks ago when a coach was suddenly unable to run the session and I had to step in at the last minute. Knee length heeled boots are not necessarily conducive to 'High Quality P.E'. Or for rumaging in the shed for cones.

I think though on balance, I'd rather the slight discomfort and possibly short term lack of dignity than return to the scruffy fish smelling days from long ago...

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