I collected my dog this evening, in bi-weekly excruciating handover. He looked shiny, fluffy and smelled like fruit. He had had a bath. Instantly I was relieved that this job is not mine. He is impossible to bath single handed, needing one person to restrain him in the tub, and the other to shampoo and rinse. He is a large and
very strong dog.
We got back from our walk, and when I put him in the car, there was a very unpleasant smell of manure. I hoped, perhaps a little desperately, that it was merely on his paws. Of course it wasn't.
He will find filth and muck wherever he goes. He detests the smelling clean and will try very hard to replace the smell of flowers/fruit/baby powder and all other fragrances I have inflicted on him over the years, with compost/manure/anything less appealing to the human nose.
I adore him. He just has the biggest personality. He is so ludicrously stubborn that when he will not get in the car, I have to pretend I plan to leave without him. He will then get in. I am however, less inclined to do this after so long apart from him.
He will run and lick the television at the mention of the word 'rabbits' though he has no desire to kill one.
As a puppy, he was fixated by a particularly nauseating downloadable tv ringtone.
Over 5 years, it has been a level crossing advert featuring rabbits
the intro to N.E.R.D's
She Wants To Move and various other things including mirror reflections.
His other speciality is having to have the last word. He will growl and bark at passers by in the middle of the night, which makes me feel protected, but also wakes me somewhat abruptly from sleep. I ask him to be quiet, he will grumble, so I call his name again and say shushhhh and he will grumble again, but quieter this time.
This will go on for as long as I call to him. He MUST have the last word.
A couple of years ago, he had a disagreement with a swan. Evidently the swan felt he was too close to her cygnets, and attacked him, which was terrifying. Luckily some brave young man sent the swan packing and my dog was fine. However, he has never forgotten this incident and when some months later, I took him for a swim at the river, I threw his toy into the water for him to fetch as water fetch is one of his FAVOURITE things to do, and he flat refused. It was 'in the vicinity of his attack'. I had to ask a fisherman to retrieve the toy with a net.
In his very young days, he had a puppy pen to keep him out of mischief when he could not be supervised. The pen began at about 1metre high but soon needed to be stronger and taller, and for some weeks, it looked as though we were keeping lions at home.
He proudly destroyed a Bonsai tree, hair straighteners, peeled wallpaper of the wall, took glee in stealing socks and escaping from anything we constructed, even if it meant a long swim across a pond. Villagers would return him to us when they found themselves accompanied on their walk by our very sociable puppy.
He snores, inhales his food and then burps, passes wind loudly and looks horrified at his own back end when he has done so. He sleeps on his back with all four feet in the air and leaving nothing to the imagination. He runs away at the sight of his brush and will eat his feline friend's food as soon as my back is turned.
I cannot express how much I have missed him. As I write this he is snoring loudly on my bed.
This weekend I look forward to taking him to his favourite places.....and the fun I will have on Sunday when I will doubtless be bathing him again.