I feel happy about how my week has gone at work and happy that my sister made it to Barcelona, despite so many flights being cancelled, that my friend has been offered a new job, happy that next week is the last week before half term so I will have my dog for extra time..etc etc.
But I am also annoyed by what I hear and read about some of the priorities of the new coalition government. It seems very odd to me that they are appointing a minister for hunting and shooting when the big issue should really be our economy. I also find it infuriating that Nick Clegg is so easily bought. He has gone on record to say he is anti hunting and would not seek to lift the ban...yet here he is just days after the election, snuggling up to Cameron with this back-tracking rubbish.
I am a person of priciples and I respect people who are the same. I have none for Clegg.
I am totally anti hunting. I have been a vegetarian for nearly 20 years and I find the idea of repealing the ban, backward and repellent.I have written to my MP to this effect, though it has fallen on pro-hunting deaf ears, I have written to Nick Clegg, and I will continue writing.
There are a few things I feel very strongly about. This is one. I am posting this link in the hope you will come across it and take two minutes of your time to help our wildlife with this simple form.
It will send a letter to your MP and let them know you do not want a lift on the ban. It really is easy and minimal effort.
Thanks, Camellia xxx
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