Tuesday, 4 May 2010


 When I moved to my current home, I showed everyone around and saved the best bit til last. The best bit being my wardrobe. My bedroom is not huge but it does have an excellent wardrobe. I stood by the doors and my sister asked.."Is it Narnia?" at which point I opened the doors to reveal my decently sized walk in wardrobe with shelving to the ceiling, a shoe rack and double rail for clothes.
OH, it's better than Narnia!" she gasped. And it is.

When I moved here, I was not alone and shared this wardrobe...I reckon I had about 60% of it and would squash up my clothes to accomodate his crap. I often tried to hide my new purchases too which was retarded and unnecessary as it was my bloody money. Anyway, now I have it all to myself and it's a little bit bursting at the seams. Whoops.

The other day at work we discussed where we might like to go for a staff trip and treat. We came up with 5 ideas to please everyone. We can dream, but here they are;
  • Ladies Day at Ascot
  • The Ballet at the Royal Opera House
  • Dinner at Heston's Fat Duck restaurant in Bray
  • Afternoon Tea at the Ritz (I've done this once already...it is most pleasant)
  • Go Ape - some staff members not so keen as me on this! 

We discussed the need for new outfits for most of these occasions and one of my colleagues looked at me laughing and said...
"You? You have more clothes than anyone I know...you MUST have something!"
True enough I have already bought and dismissed an outfit for a friend's wedding in July, knowing that I simply MUST have a new dress from Coast rather than something I have owned for a few weeks.
I am then quizzed about whether I fill up the charity bags that come through the door...yes I do, on a regular basis, but then I restock! I defend myself by saying that I rarely drink, I do not smoke, and have few vices but this. I was asked recently how many pairs of shoes I own. I think it's 40. I think that's fine and in fact quite modest. But it is true that I forget what I own in the way of clothes and have lovely moments of rediscovering things when I'm putting the odd item into a charity sack.

Crimes I AM guilty of are;
  • Wearing a pair of £150 shoes twice in 5 year period. 
  • Finding the 'perfect' item and buying in bulk
  • Coveting items- giving myself a 'next month you can have it -rule' then buying it the next day. 
At university my shoe habit was worse. I had a part time job in a shoe shop where I'd put coveted items aside til pay day. I had a daft amount of shoes for a student and my flatmates would laugh that had so many Saturday night shoes but couldn't afford to go out on a Saturday night. I cared not. 
I am of course guilty of a crime far worse than the above though. I am ALWAYS ALWAYS moaning that I have NOTHING to wear...I will be the same tomorrow for work. On a Sunday I move about things I think I'd like to re-air that week...then never do because I have NOTHING to wear.

Oh dear God, I have just looked at the Coast page....whoops.

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