Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Victoria est mei!

My rant on Monday paid off. I am so relieved and starting to feel a bit better about my work situation.
Really kicking off and leaving people with no doubt about my feelings and the course of action I wanted taken, have paid dividends.
What I wanted done with a proposed letter was done, and the changes I wanted made, were made. I am very pleased, both for myself and for my colleagues - justice. I also had it confirmed by someone I respect from high up that I am as good as I think I am at my job. I also had it stated that if this were not the correct judgement in the first place, the changes to this letter would not have been made - something that apparently NEVER happens and means he got it wrong and he knows it.
Pussy cat I may be, but I do get my way......mostly. 
So this news has been good medicine.

What I'm not so thrilled about is my knees. I wanted to be in training most of this week so that I can do this run on Sunday in half an hour- not really fast, but not shameful either. My knees have decided otherwise and I will most likely be wearing very attractive knee supports and consuming giant green horse tablets of chondroitin and glucosamine. It's a good job fun runners don't get drug tested- I'd rattle my way in to the testing centre. I wonder why my body must fight my attempts at serious fitness. First shin splints and now the knee thing. This came on last Summer when I began to hear a worrying 'velcro' sound in one and then both knees. I was told to strengthen the muscles in my legs around the knee with weights - which I did. Now this issue is back. Grrrrr.
But I shouldn't moan. A friend of mine spent half her school life on crutches. We barely recognised her without them. She injures herself less now but it really was quite ridiculous for a while.
In other news, I wait to see what will happen with the very odd coalition between progressive left wingers and traditionalist right wingers in our country. It doesn't seem a popular decision. I watched Cameron drive from Buckingham Palace to Downing Street while Nick Robinson assured us the crowds were cheering.
Jeering maybe. As he made his speech, David Cameron's wife looked nervous - hardly surprising with loud taunts of 'Tory Scum' from the crowd.
He talked about the difficult times ahead and how he intended to work with Nick Clegg and the Liberal Democrats. What an odd alliance this will be and how long will it 'work'?
 But as he stepped inside No.10 and closed the door behind him, Cameron must have felt a little bit of my victoria est mei, even if it hasn't gone quite as he had hoped.

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